Tech Founders Reunite: The Heartwarming Story of a Missing Teenage Found Safe

Police announce that Mint Butterfield, child of Slack, and Flickr cofounders, has been found safe.

The 16-year-old child of Stewart Butterfield and Caterina Fake, founders of major tech companies Flickr and Slack, was found safe by California police after being missing for a week. Their parents were relieved to have their child back home, and the teenager’s stepfather, Jyri Engestrom, who is also a tech founder, was overjoyed to be reunited with his family.

Mint, who uses they/them pronouns, went missing on July 22nd and had been away from their family for a week. Law enforcement classified Mint as a “voluntary-missing juvenile” due to their past suicide attempt. Despite taking a suitcase and leaving a note, Mint did not have access to a car or phone during their absence.

The disappearance of Mint caused concern among family and friends due to the circumstances surrounding their absence. However, thanks to the collaborative efforts of volunteers and strangers who came forward with information and support, Mint was eventually found safe in Bolinas.

In a statement released by the family, they expressed their gratitude for the support and assistance received from all those involved in locating Mint. They thanked family members, friends, volunteers, and even strangers who helped in bringing their child home safely. The collaborative effort led by these individuals ultimately brought relief to all parties involved in this heartwarming reunion story.

The Butterfield-Fake family’s ties to the tech industry are further solidified by Jyri Engestrom’s own background as a tech founder. As such, it is no surprise that technology played an integral role in finding Mint safely.

Overall, this event serves as a reminder of the importance of community support in times of crisis. It also highlights the fact that no matter how dire the circumstances may seem at first glance

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