Governor Ivey’s Healthcare Science High School: A Turning Point for Rural Healthcare in Alabama

Approved: Demopolis High School Healthcare Science

Governor Ivey has achieved a significant milestone in her administration with the establishment of a healthcare science high school in Demopolis. This was a key priority for her, which she advocated for in her State-of-the-State Address in February and lobbied lawmakers to approve it before the end of the legislative session. The bill, HB163, passed unanimously in the House and later in the Senate with a vote of 28 to 3.

Governor Ivey expressed her excitement for the Alabama School of Healthcare Sciences and its potential to advance educational innovation and healthcare readiness in the state. In a statement, she highlighted the opportunities it will provide for students, particularly those from rural areas, to pursue careers in high-demand healthcare fields. She credited Senator Bobby Singleton and Representative Cynthia Almond for their leadership in guiding the legislation through the approval process.

The establishment of the school was made possible by a $26.4 million funding pledge from Bloomberg Philanthropies, which is the first of its kind in Alabama. The grant aims to address the declining healthcare infrastructure in rural areas and increase interest among youth in healthcare careers. The Alabama School of Healthcare Sciences will offer educational opportunities in science, technology, engineering, math, and healthcare fields to approximately 200 high school students beginning in 2026. It will be the fourth specialty school in Alabama, joining existing institutions focused on mathematics, cyber technology, engineering, and liberal arts.

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